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Vision statement

In support of Nelson Mandela University's corporate vision, we strive towards continuous excellence in our service delivery through dedicated stafff, efficient planning, strategic business goals and objectives, and the professional implementation thereof.

Mission statement

  • To provide Nelson Mandela University stakeholders with the best teaching and working facilities by optimally utilizing existing facilities.
  • To provide new infrastructure and upgrade facilities in line with the GREEN BUILDING principles.

Values and Principles

  • To conduct our activities in an accountable and transparent manner.
  • Perform functions that add value to the acheivement of Nelson Mandela University goals and strategic priorities.
  • Provide timeous, cost effective solutions implemental within resource constraints.
  • Commit to developing our team to provide service to the standards agreed on with each stakeholder / partner.
  • Commit to developing students through Students-in-training programme as well as appointing contract staff for specific projects.
Contact information
Mrs Magda Nel
Tel: 27 41 504 3230